How to Draw Eyebrows With Eyeliner Pencil

STEP 2: Fill in the brows, to create the illusion of real brow hairs

Use a dark brown eye pencil to shade/ fill in between the lines you drew. The correct technique is to fill, using short and light hair-like strokes in the direction of the brow hair growth. Use short, light feathery strokes (one stroke at a time, not long strong lines), while along with your natural brow shape and arch. This would make sparse or thin brows appear fuller while adding definition to the brows. In place of an eye pencil, you can also use an eyeshadow or brow powder, using an angled brush.

3.  How to Draw/ Fill Eyebrows Better (Video Tutorial)

STEP 3: Brush out and repeat

Use a spooly-brush or an old mascara brush to brush out the eye pencil colours. This will spread out the colour pigment and make the brow filling look even lighter and more natural. Continue brushing out with the spoolie or old mascara wand/ brush until the brows are in the shade you desire.

STEP 4 (Optional): Clean Up the Edges of the lines with a Concealer

This is the step that makes your brows look excellently done – use concealer to clean any mistake.  Take some concealer in a small flat brush, and apply to the under / bottom of your brows to clean up the edges and remove excess or overdrawn colours or mistakes. This will give a clean, professional definition to your brow bones and also highlight the brow top.

*Be sure to blend the concealer downward and brush out the from the front of the brows. This would make the applied eyebrow colours spread out evenly and look more natural, you know, a gradient effect. With that, you're done!


  • How to Apply and Blend Eyeshadow Step by Step (Video)
  • How to Apply a Perfect Makeup From Scratch (From Applying Foundation and Everything in-Between)

Materials Needed:  List of Eyebrow Products Used in the Video Tutorials

  1. Eyebrow pencil (a shade or two lighter than your eyebrow. Dark brown is great. Avoid black and reddish eye pencils) OR brow powder – Mary kay eyebrow pencil – Brunette | Mary kay eyebrow pencil – soft black/ dark brown or NYC Eyeliner 'Dark Brown' #922
  2. (optional) Eye shadow (brown colour) – Mac eyeshadow – Embark.
  3. Spoolie brush (aka mascara-type brush) – Mac Spooly (mascara-like brush). Hint: any old mascara brush will serve okay
  4. Concealer– Mac studio finish concealer – most dark Nigerians use Nw45 and some light ladies use NC35 (this should be different, depending on your skin colour/shade)
  5. (optional) Eyelid Primer – ELF or any other one
  6. Makeup Brushes: Concealer brush (for cleaning up below the brows) | Eco tool bamboo angled eyeliner brush | Sigma E65 eyeshadow brush | Blending brush

Hint: Jordana makes some of the most affordable, good eyebrow makeup products available in Nigeria. They have assorted cheap makeup including eye primer, eyebrow powder, brow pencils. Mary Kay eye makeup products are also widely available in Nigeria.

Why You Need to Do Better Eyebrows

A good-looking set of eyebrows are key to achieving a flawless makeup overall.  The finished look of your makeup depends on your ability to fill your brows right. No matter how good your foundation, contour, and lips look, if your eyebrows are not on-point, you'll look not-put-together.  The way you fill your eyebrows can either make you look older, younger, bland or sick.

Unfortunately, many women struggle with drawing their eyebrows well enough to enhance their facial looks.  Even if you don't wear foundation or makeup, it's still important to get your eyebrows looking good. As I said before, the condition of your brows can make you look like a better version of yourself or like a crappy version of 'you'.  You definitely want to look better, I know.

Go Ye and Slay With Your New, Better Brows

RECAP:  The above videos and explanations showed you how to draw a better and natural-looking eye-brow shape using pencil and also using eyeshadow (or brow powder in the colour of your natural brows).  Also, you learned how to use concealer to clean up the brows and reveal a sharper, defined eyebrows,

So, now you have 3 techniques for doing or drawing perfectly shaped and natural-looking eyebrows. Hopefully, your days of badly drawn brows are over.  You also have a list of the tools and products needed to achieve better-looking eyebrows. Throw away your black eye pencils, if you had them – because they're a no-no. No more very black brows that don't look natural, right?

Now you learned how the pros do it. A professionally filled eyebrow makes the eyes pop, and can transform an ordinary-looking bride or wedding guest from 'just okay' to 'flawless'.  Your eyebrows frame your eyes, add expression to your face. They also define the face beautifully and significantly improve your overall look. Besides, a well-shaped eyebrow that is filled or drawn to the right shape can make you appear younger.

Perfect Eyebrow Tutorial: Your Takeaways

That's it for our easy steps to having your brows done and filled like a pro. Follow along with that video tutorial a couple more times and you'd be good to go – even if you don't have a makeup artist at your traditional wedding ceremony or even at your white wedding reception, you're covered.

Now,  tell me: how did that go, practicing along with the above eyebrow video tutorials? You'll need to watch and practice more before becoming perfect. Now, tell me in the comments below – did you use an eye pencil or brow powder or eyeshadow to draw a perfect eyebrow?


Stella is the founder and editor of this blog (NaijaGlamWedding). She's a project manager who loves weddings and believes that every wedding is a project and can benefit from simple PM ideas. She loves helping couples figure out how to plan a memorable Nigerian wedding on any budget. | Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest for a daily dose of bite-sized tips and inspiration. | Also, submit your marriage proposal and wedding pictures, with your love stories to be featured.

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